Contact Rafia : + 33 6 34 52 99 13 | rafia.maqbool@gmail.com
Rafia Bon
Artist | Performer | Choreographer of Indian Dance in Lyon, France
B i o g r a p h y
Choreographer / Performer / Professor of Indian Dance
Rafia Bon, born in Pakistan, has been dancing for over 20 years with a collective experience in Indian Classical Dance (Kathak & BharataNatyam), Contemporary (Bollywood), Semi-Classical (Kathak & Bollywood), Spiritual (Sufi Kathak), Folk (Dandiya, etc) & Fusion
Rafia, for the moment is the sole artist in the city of Lyon, France, to propose and teach the unique fusion of classical (kathak) and contemporary dance (Bollywood) by creating her own choreography.
Therefore, her performances exude force, energy, vibrance, speed and most importantly, elegance, which are inadvertent requisites of Kathak along with the essential utilization of expressions and controlled body movements to narrate the beautiful tale of dance.
Rafia received her preliminary training in classical dancing (Kathak & Bharatanatyam) from Indu Mitha, who is undoubtedly one of the most reputed, respected and iconic artists of her times in Pakistan and is currently under the tutelage of the renowed guru, Sharmila Sharma in Paris, France.